It’s certainly a trend at the moment to fill your home with gorgeous leafy plants and we’re all for it. We love the way that houseplants bring a bit of life and personality to a room as well as helping to clean and purify the air in your home. After a study conducted by NASA into the air-purifying effects of indoor plants here are our favourites of the top 10.
Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)
A tropical plant with stiff upright leaves that flourishes in both bright and dim light. This is a great plant for beginners as it’s pretty hardy and doesn’t need watering very often. Not only does it raise oxygen levels but has also been shown to eliminate chemicals found in products such as aerosols and cigarettes.
Weeping Fig
A popular houseplant that grows fairly quickly and needs to be placed in a bright room. A weeping fig will do well watered with care and kept out of any draughts, they like to be kept in a degree of humidity so should be misted regularly in summer months. Great for lounges and living rooms as they battle the chemicals found in furniture and smoke from the fireplace.
English Ivy
This beautiful trailing plant is perfect for the bathroom as it works against chemicals found in cosmetics and reduces any airborne particles coming from the toilet bowl. English ivy enjoys moist conditions found in bathrooms but will do best in bright conditions when given plenty of sun.
Peace Lily
If you’d like to add a flowering plant to your home but still benefit from the air-purification that leafy varieties bring then the Peace lily is ideal. Beautiful and easy to care for Peace lilies are great for the areas of your home that don’t get as much light. They don’t need much watering either, appreciating moist soil that’s well-drained. Another plant ideal for the bathroom or toilet but one that doesn’t need so much sunlight. This plant has been shown to help remove mold from the air so is perfect if your bathroom isn’t well ventilated.
Spider Plant
One of the easiest plants to grow in your home, the Spider plant makes for the perfect indoor hanging plant. They’ll do well in a variety of conditions but prefer bright, indirect light and plenty of water. One of the most effective plants at purifying the air, Spider plants filter formaldehyde found in cigarette smoke and plastic shopping bags.
Do you have houseplants in your home? Show us your favourites! Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter or leave a comment here.